My journey
I am a very sporty person who, over the years, has partook in lots of activities including sprinting, long distance running, gym resistance training, kickboxing, thai boxing and karate.
In 2010, I was diagnosed with Cam femoroacetabular impingement which results in a jamming of the proximal femur into the acetabulum. This limited my range of motion and caused me to drastically vary my exercises.
Due to the amount of pain I was in, I invested in massage and osteopathic treatments, alongside hydrocortisone and hyaluronic acid Injections until it came to the stage where mobility and discomfort was a real issue. In 2017, I had a SuperPath ® total hip replacement by an excellent surgeon which has subsequently changed my life.
After my operation bar the physiotherapy and rehabilitation I went through, I also had a lot of massages to help with scarring and mobility. Seeing how much this had helped me, in 2013 I decided to study massage and qualified as a Holistic Sports & Remedial Massage Therapist which I used in my role as a health and wellbeing advisor.
I specialise in all areas of the body but have clients who have various conditions where they have found massage sessions beneficial eg clients with Parkinsons. Link back to testimonial page.